All things praise Thee, Lord most high:
Heaven and earth and sea and sky,
All were for Thy glory made,
That thy greatness thus displayed
Should all worship bring to Thee;
All things praise Thee: Lord, may we.
All things praise Thee: night to night
Sing in silent hymns of light;
All things praise Thee: day to day
Chant Thy power, In burning ray;
Time and space are praising Thee,
All things praise Thee: Lord, may we
All things praise Thee; round her zones
Earth with her ten thousand tones,
Rolls a ceaseless choral strain;
Roaring wind and deep-voiced main,
Rustling leaf and humming bee,
All things praise Thee: Lord, may we
All things praise Thee: high and low,
Rain and dew and seven-hued bow,
Crimson sunset, fleecy cloud,
Rippling stream and tempest loud;
Summer, winter , all to Thee
Glory render : Lord, may we
All things praise Thee: gracious Lord,
Great Creator, powerful Word,
Omnipresent Spirit, now
At Thy feet we humbly bow,
Lift our hearts in praise to Thee;
All things praise Thee: Lord, may we