Bhekani kuy’ uYehova; umdala wezinsuku (Give praise to the Lord, the Ancient of Days)
Funani ubuso bakhe, nimkhonze naye (Seek His presence and worship Him)
Ulungile unothando, nenceb’ engapheliyo (He is full of love and mercy)
Uthanda thina sonke (And He loves us all)

Ebunzimeni, uhlal’ engumncedi wami (My helper in times of trouble)
Uhamba nami, uhlal’ eseduze kwami (He walks with me, always by my side)
Noma kumnyama, Yen’ ukukhanya kwami (In darkness, He is my light)
Uyabonelela uYehova, uBaba wam (The Lord my Father, is generous)

Udeka itafula, phambi kwezitha zami (He prepares a table before my enemies)
Ngidle, ngidle, O Baba ngiyabonga (I feast and feast, Oh Father I thank You)


Bong’ uYehova mphefumlo wam (Bless the Lord oh my soul)
Undenzela konk’ okuhle (For He has done great things for me)

Udeka itafula, phambi kwezitha zami (He prepares a table before my enemies)
Ngidle, ngidle, O Baba ngiyabonga (I feast and feast, Oh Father I thank You)